Circular Economy for Labs | Community of Practice
Submit a Video
Do you have an idea for a PHIL Talk that could be beneficial to this community? We want to hear from you!
Submit an abstract (limit of 700 characters).
Please fill out the form below. If your abstract is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from I2SL.
Once your abstract has been approved, plan the video.
These videos are meant to tell a story. Think about the following questions and outline what you would like to discuss: What was the problem that you faced? What barriers arose? What are the lessons learned? What are you proud of?
Film the video.
Grab your smart device and start filming! These videos should be no longer than 15 minutes—the shorter the better. Try different angles to make the video more compelling and to highlight aspects of your discussion.
NOTE: I2SL has $500 stipends available to support the creation or production of PHIL Talk videos! If your staff or students are in need of a stipend to help create a video, please check the box when filling out the form.
Make sure you have permission to share the video.
Before sharing data, experiences, or videos regarding your organization’s efforts, make sure you have all the required permissions to post, publish, or provide them to the public.
Let us know when the video is complete for I2SL review, and we will make arrangements for sharing it.
I2SL prefers to link to MP4 videos on YouTube or some other public, no-cost sharing site. No Tik-Toks, please.